Free Walking Tours Brighton
The Brighton tour guide with 480 years of Brighton ancestry
About Us
Welcome to the home of the only FREE Brighton Walking Tours led by a born and bred Brighton tour guide with 480 years of Brighton ancestry. Both regular tours and private group bookings are available. Many tours charge in advance without you knowing if they are worth the price. With us you need not worry. At the end of your FREE Brighton Walking Tour YOU choose how much you think the tour is worth and YOU choose if you want to pay it. What’s more a part of whatever you give will go to a local homeless charity.
You will be shown around the city with Brighton born and bred Nat on a tour that is a far cry from
boring history classes and will appeal to locals and tourists alike. Register now to guarantee your place.
Free Walking Tours Brighton - Real Brighton Tours is a proud member of the Free Tour Community, a group of independent, local, highly rated free tour providers.
My name is Nat, I was born and bred in Brighton and have ancestors going back 480 years here. And I love this city: its life, its quirkiness, the taste of salt from the sea which makes we want to eat fish and chips. After exploring places all over the world returned here for my Master’s degree. And despite that I am still discovering new things!
I love history and Brighton has plenty of it. As a boy I loved exploring palaces, castles and piers and telling people the stories of them, and not much has changed. I studied several

history modules at university, have four years experience giving tours and you’ll still find me engrossed in a lecture on the history of William of Orange, Waterloo, or the Wars of the Roses.
And last, but certainly not least, I love meeting people. And what better way than to offer Free Brighton Walking Tours.